Saturday, November 25, 2006

Im too sick, I've got a high fever "reached 40", that the doctor had to give me a shot to bring it down.
I dont know why during the miserable last night.. i had many dreams of my blog and comments!


posted by Loura at 7:44 PM |


At 11:16 PM, Blogger Dr.Lost

well hi.. its me.. you're worst nightmare of all last nights' dreams..

btw you didnt need a shot coz it was high, thats just him bein silly, panadol would do the same.. salamaaat .. its sickness season, everyone's sick.. you're sick, my whole family is sick, my friends r sick, everyone is just freeakin sick ;p


At 11:52 PM, Blogger Loura

Dr.lost, yeah.. i met my sis at the hospital, lol. Hope u changed ur mind about quitting.

3baid, thanx.