Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Am writing this post while sitting at Starbucks "elkaneesah", i had a dentist appointment and while heading to work i thought.. let me get some late', then i thought: yabeelah PC, lol, so i went back to the car and grabbed my laptop and sit back at the cafe.

Sitting there with those many ppl -wondering!! dont they have jobs!- and all of them are stairing at me.. every time i lift up my eyes i see all others are watching me.

Am i an ALIEN!! Is it too strange to have a cool chica :P sitting alone in the morning with a laptop and late!!

The problem is that most of them are girls. So it isnt a boys girls issue. Whatever, Im enjoying my coffee but i have to leave soon to work :(


posted by Loura at 9:42 AM |


At 3:13 PM, Blogger Loura

Hmmm, so they were guessing which blogger i was!!


At 2:46 PM, Blogger Cr8ivia

i have a dentistphobia :S

staring at ppl are normal now :S welcome u r in q8


At 12:27 AM, Blogger Loura

Loool cr8ivia.. ur appsilutely right.