Tuesday, September 15, 2009
I've recieved this email which confirmed what the doctor told me today after checkin my flu (alhamdulillah normal flu). He told me I shouldn't panic cause it isn't dangerous, he said that the death percentage of the normal flu is 4% while the swine flu is only 1/2% , he also said that every creature on this planet has a flu elephants horses birds humans all, it isnt something new nor dangerouse. It is all about money and testing some vaccines.

The email :

اللقاح نفسه أخطر من المرض يبون يجربون فينا و أمريكا خلتها
علي و على أعدائي شوفوا الفيديو و الروابط اللي أرفقتها لكم
((Swine Flu is a HOAX!))
أصلا هي مسرحية سياسية عالمية أكثر من كونها مرض
و منظمة الصحة العالمية مشتركة معاهم و أكبر رابحة في القصة كلها و أكبر دليل هو
انها تلاعبت بالقوانين عشان توصل مرض انفلونزا الخنازير للدرجة 6
ومنظمة الصحة العالمية فريقا من "الخبراء" (تقريبا الخبراء عندهم أكبر شركات أدوية و صيدليات في العالم يعني لهم مدخول من اللي بييبيعونه) وصت ان التطعيم يكون الزامي في جميع البلدان ال 194 الأعضاء في المنظمة رغم ان اللقاح لم يختبر و لم تظهر فاعليته بعد على هذا المرض ------------------------------------------

لا تأحذوا اللقاح مهما حدث فحتى المشرفين على صنعه لن يقبلوا ان يلقحوا فيه و يقولون انه خطير ...شاهد الفيديو لتعرف المزيد


posted by Loura at 7:44 PM |


At 12:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous

Wayne Madsen is a conspiracy theorist.


Do you trust doctors or conspiracy theorists?


At 12:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous

Wayne Madsen is a conspiracy theorist.


Do you trust doctors or conspiracy theorists?


At 2:09 AM, Blogger Loura

I trust facts combined with logic.


At 9:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous

And the facts + logic in what you are claiming are...


At 10:20 PM, Blogger Loura

Facts are:
1- That this disease isnt fatal nor a easy one.

2- The vaccine creators said that it isnt for every one.

3- According to tests results there are higher risk in taking the vaccine than getting the swine flu.


Since the vaccine would not be taken by all means that theres some side effects, other wise let all have it. Specially when it is spreading rapidly among ALL.

read this article:


At 11:49 AM, Blogger fata-cali

kel 3am o enti eb 5air loura

3an swin flu men qabel cham shahr o ana aqol 7aq al nas 5arabe6 o ahya flu 3adiyah o al i3lam emkber al salfah y3ni al maw'9o3 tejari o ay 3aqel ra7 yqol shay jedam hal i3lam al qawi y9er al 3aqel bain meyaneen aw eb ma3na thani '9ed al tayar ... law a7ed ys'al nafsah shno kanat nehayat jnon al baqar o inflewnza al 6yoor o al saras o o o o kel 2 y y6l3oon shay o i3laam o bas ma7ed ydre shno nehayat hal amra'9 ...
men al7een aqool ra7 ymoot al hal mara'9 ma3a al waqt lena a5eth akber men 7ajmah

3edech embarak sister :)


At 6:20 AM, Blogger Loura

Hala fata-cali, min el3aideen elfaizeen o taabal allah 6a3tik o5ooy.

Elly giltah 100% 9a7ee7, b3dain 7ata eldoctor ygol fi marath 5a6eer ygoolik 5eth duwak o roo7 elbait! Ygool ely tewafaw a9lan martha o lo 7ashat'hum 7ata elflu el3adiah tshakil 5a6ar 3ala 7iat'hum. shkithir bioot n3rfhum 7jaraw 3alaihom o kahum mafeehum shay al7een!!

Enshallah mako ela el3afiah bs ham elwa7ed yete5eth ejra2at elsalamah specially with those categories which swine flu creates a danger for them.

Kids should postpone school for few months.